Monday (November 25):
We started our week off with the new schedule. Of course with Thanksgiving later in the week, we took Thursday and Friday off, so on Monday we packed in as much as we could. Who can't use a four day weekend?
We got a new list of spelling words for the month. We are a bit delayed on the spelling list because of getting into a new routine, with what subjects we do, on what days now. You can find our full schedule under the "
Our Classroom Schedule" tab at the top of the page.
Notice our new board light? We love it! |
Our spelling words for the rest of November:
- body
- music
- color
- stand
- sun
- questions
- fish
- area
- mark
- dog
- bargain
- certain
- orphan
- fountain
- oxen
- latitude
- longitude
- compass
- absolute
- equator
- compensation
Trouble Words from October:
1. height
2. tongue
3. straight
We also covered more on money counting and counting back change. We did board work for this and will set up a mock grocery store next week to have some fun with it even more.
My diagram is of a grocery store purchase and how much change will come back from a purchase of a soda. We went over how simple subtraction is all that's needed to give change back.
Tuesday (November 26):
On Tuesday we covered a bit of history. We talked about the history of Thanksgiving and why we celebrate in giving thanks. I let Skylar write down 10 things he is thankful for and we talked about each one.
We also covered a bit more on our continent and animals from that continent in Social Studies. Skylar has already completed three continents of the seven we are covering. His animal of continent and animal of choice this time is the panda in Asia.
Wednesday (November 27):
On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, we did some reading and did a Thanksgiving craft. For our reading we started in on Book 2 of "
A Series of Unfortunate Events." We finished Book 1 a few weeks back and to celebrate we prepared a dish of
Puttanesca Sauce.
For the Thanksgiving craft, we made tee pees to add to our table for Thanksgiving dinner.We ended up using felt sheets instead of foam, and we love how cozy they look. Skylar went on a hunt for the sticks to use, and we also added these Indian-themed additions to add to the table along with the tee pees.
Thursday (November 28): Happy Thanksgiving (No class held)
Friday (November 29): Thanksgiving Break (No class held)
Monday (December 2):
On Monday, we got back to class with a little bit of math work. We set up a mock grocery store and had Skylar be the checker that had to give back change to the rest of us. We had grocery purchases that were made and change was worked into the learning. We then talked about how hard, or easy the change was and what we could get better at. Skylar did a fantastic job with this, and we all had a blast!
We also worked in a worksheet for Probability and Data. We talked about graphs and how they can go from a pie chart to a graph depending on how we wanted to look at the data.
Tuesday (December 3):
Science: We talked a lot about the difference between rocks and minerals. I sent Skylar on a scavenger hunt to find as many rocks and minerals as he could.
History: We covered a few more things about Thanksgiving and touched a little on Native American Indians. I let him draw and color his own version of how he saw the first Thanksgiving dinner with the pilgrims and the Indians.
Social Studies: We worked more on our animal and continent books. We are currently on pandas and Asia.
Wednesday: (December 4):
Spelling: We took a mock spelling test to determine what words we need to work on. I have started a new lesson with spelling words: Writing them three times, then use them in a sentence that he thinks they work best in. This seems to be a good teaching lesson on working on handwriting as well.
Reading: We read another chapter in the "Series of Unfortunate Events" book 2 (The Reptile Room) and talked about what we had just read. The story is getting very interesting.
Writing: Skylar has been adding to his journal entries that we keep. He has to draw a picture and then come up with a story line to go with the picture.
Thursday (December 5):
On Thursday, we reviewed everything we had talked about and covered in the days before since Monday. We also studied over the spelling words to prepare for the test that will come later in the month. From everything else we go over and learn, the spelling test will come on the last Friday of the month now.
Music: I've decided to add in a bit of music lessons into our weekly schedule. On Thursday, we played with spoons and how to make music using spoons. Skylar had a blast with this, and it will be something we do again, for sure.
P.E.: Currently our P.E. time consists of indoor activities due to the rain, and the cold. Hopefully there will be more to add to this once we get out of the cold spells here in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon.
Art: For art this week we made snowflakes from coffee filters. We are going to be working on these in the next few weeks and reveal our creations the last Thursday before Christmas, so stay tuned for that.
Cooking: We have been working in some cooking learning with this homeschool time. It's going very well, and it also gives us some great time to spend together in the kitchen too. This week me made some cupcake brownies that were part of a Valentine's Day gift box that came in February.
This little kit came with everything we needed to make these cupcakes, so it was a perfect tool to follow in a step-by-step cooking instruction.
First, we melted the butter.
Then, measured and added the water.
Then mixed the batter and added them to the prepared muffin tin.
We baked them up and they were perfect. We then talked about the small things we had learned from the cooking lesson. Skylar said that he learned how to read a measuring cup during that lesson, so that is a big plus.
Friday (December 6):
On Friday we took our end of the week test on everything we covered in the past four days. I like to do an end of the week test to determine if we should move on from a lesson or not. It's also a great way to gauge where we stand on what we are learning too.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and look for a classroom update in two weeks.