I remember, when I was a kid, and it would snow, I was always out packing it, rolling it, and laying in it. I was covered in white wetness before I was forced to come inside to warm up. Apparently, my love of snow was carried over to my child too. He loves playing in it so much and I literally have to force him to come inside and most of the time it was with tears. During the summer months, it's always a bummer that he can't play the same and enjoy some sensory play during the off months too. Here's a great way to enjoy the fun of snow, but with less wetness and less tears.
Taking a large tote lid, flipped over, we covered the lid in a mixture of baking soda. That's it! Skylar used a lot of his Matchbox cars and some farm equipment items and created a snowy scene.
This is definitely an outside play project.
Putting the baking soda in a large-holed shaker allows your child to "snow" on his play space.
The more baking soda you use the deeper the "snow" gets.